Campus Housing student leaders recognized for service

UIC Campus Housing student leaders were recognized for their leadership during the National Affiliate of Colleges and University Residence Halls Conference at New Mexico State University from May 24-27.
The 70th annual conference, Leadership Through the Ages, provided students with professional development opportunities and recognized student leaders at the national level. Participants voted on important pieces of legislation that impact the student-run housing associations across the nation and individual regions.
UIC won first place for Polar Points, which are spirit points inspired by the Great Lakes regional mascot of polar bear Mowii, with over 200 points. UIC students also garnered national-level Of the Month award nominations including President of the Year and Student of the Year.
Throughout the conference, executive board members of the Residence Hall Association and the National Residence Hall Honorary developed their leadership abilities and received many tips on establishing a student-oriented community on campus and connecting residents with the two organizations.
UIC currently hosts one Regional Board of Directors member, Nicholas Schiller, who is assistant director for residence life in campus housing and the regional National Residence Hall Honorary adviser.
To learn more about similar leadership opportunities for residential students, follow @housingUIC, @rhaUIC and @UICnrhh.