Awards and honors

Charles Hounmenou, assistant professor of social work, receives the Influential Scholar Award 2018 during the 15th Annual International Human Trafficking & Social Justice Conference.
UIC student Nicole Green is the recipient of the Induction Recognition Award from The National Society of Collegiate Scholars.
Emily Hallgren, doctoral candidate in sociology, is the recipient of the 2018 SWS Barbara Rosenblum Award from the Sociologists for Women in Society. The award encourages doctoral research in sociology, anthropology, psychology and related fields on women’s experience of breast cancer and other reproductive cancers and the prevention of these cancers.
Charles Hounmenou, assistant professor of social work, received the Influential Scholar Award 2018 during the 15th Annual International Human Trafficking & Social Justice Conference Sept. 20 at the University of Toledo in Ohio. He was recognized for his commitment to research on human trafficking and social justice issues.
Olga Evdokimov, professor of physics, has been appointed to the Nuclear Science Advisory Committee, which provides official advice to the Department of Energy and the National Science Foundation on the national program for basic nuclear science research.
The committee, which includes a select group of representatives from universities, national laboratories, and industries, prepares long-range plans for nuclear science research in U.S. that guide federal funding for research and development in the field.
Evdokimov, who came to UIC in 2005, specializes in high energy nuclear physics and has ongoing projects in experimental study of nuclear matter under extreme conditions with the STAR detector, also known as the Solenoidal Tracker at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider in Brookhaven National Laboratory, and the Compact Muon Solenoid detector at the Large Hadron Collider in Europe. Her physics interests include collision dynamics, particle production mechanisms and jet-medium interactions at ultra-relativistic energies.
She will join 20 other committee members for a Nov. 2 swearing-in ceremony in Washington, D.C.
UIC’s chapter of the National Society of Collegiate Scholars was recognized as a Certified Gold Star Status Chapter for the 2017-18 academic year.
Michael J. Young, director of the Division of Urology Innovation and Technology at UIC, has published his recent book, “The Illness of Medicine: Experiences of Clinical Practice.” The book focuses on the process of health care delivery, from the perspective of patient and provider.