All Entries by UIC News staff

"After the Rainbow" still

July 23, 2013


Aug. 22: film explodes hinges of time travel

Image for exhibit, Why Colored People Were Not at the World's Columbian Exposition

July 17, 2013

Campus News

July 25 book signing, discussion with Michelle Duster, great-granddaughter of Ida B. Wells.

July 16, 2013

Police Beat

UIC Police report for July 8-14

Jane Addams

July 15, 2013

‘Unraveling Bill’

Performance of monologue, dance and music on effects of a soldier’s suicide on his family.

Linda Babcock and Sara Laschever

July 11, 2013

WoRD Book Club

Summer book: “Women Don’t Ask: The High Cost of Avoiding Negotiation”

Rolls of admission tickets

July 9, 2013

Campus News

Buy discount tickets, stamps and CTA passes at UIC Bookstores

"Smelly Rug," artwork by Karolina Gnatowski

July 8, 2013

‘Whisper Down the Lane’

Gallery 400 exhibit gathers 29 artists through process based on children’s game of telephone

Jane Addams Hull-House Museum

July 3, 2013

‘Stories As Resistance’

Storytellers share personal tales for the “Building Peace and Justice” series

June 25, 2013

Police Beat

Police activity on and around campus, June 24-30

June 25, 2013

Police Beat

Police activity on and around campus, June 17-23

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