All Entries by Emily Stone

November 7, 2023

UIC joins new biopharma hub to help commercialize research discoveries 

The hub will help researchers gain access to capital and industry advice

sonographer giving an ultrasound to a pregnant woman

November 3, 2023

Mediterranean diet could help pregnant women avoid depression 

Prenatal depression increases the risk of adverse birth outcomes and maternal mortality

Acupuncture with needles showing.

November 2, 2023

Can acupuncture alleviate certain kinds of chest pain?

NIH study to look at acupuncture as treatment for stable angina

November 1, 2023

Researchers must carefully consider how to screen participants for suicidality, paper says 

The issue raises ethical, practical questions, which UIC researchers explore in a new paper

October 30, 2023

UIC today’s new section: Science Sparks  

The section will showcase short stories about research papers, grants, media appearances and more

Kristina A. Varady

October 27, 2023

Intermittent fasting is safe, effective for those with Type 2 diabetes 

More weight lost among people who fasted, compared to calorie restriction

Courtesy of the Children’s Environmental Health Initiative. State health department staff discuss example maps they've created at a GIS training capacity building session led by CEHI.

October 13, 2023

For researchers tackling inequities, maps are a powerful tool

Faculty across UIC use maps, data visualization in support of positive change

Sam Wainwright sitting in an office desk at UI Health's Outpatient Care Center.

October 4, 2023

Should fathers be screened for postpartum depression? 

Pilot study shows 30% of dads screened had postpartum depression

Mobile Migrant Team

October 3, 2023

Fellow talks Chicago’s migrant crisis, US foreign policy with WBEZ

Juan González of the Great Cities Institute explains link in recent WBEZ interview

October 2, 2023

Restorative practices in schools reduce arrests, suspensions 

Black students experienced most benefit, according to new research

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