Sheng-Wei Chi

Associate Professor of Civil, Materials and Environmental Engineering


Sheng-Wei Chi (Photo: Joshua Clark/University of Illinois Chicago)

Sheng-Wei Chi is an assistant professor of civil, materials and environmental engineering.

Chi’s research centers on the development of advanced numerical methods for scientific and engineering computing, including the development of the image-based computational framework for biomedical applications, meshfree formulation based on the strong form collocation, multi-scale material modeling based on micrographs of microstructure, particle-based contact algorithms, mixed formulations for isogeometric analysis and extended finite element methods for ductile failure. He applied the developed methods to various transient/dynamic problems and gained solid experience in analyses of wave propagation in nonlinear materials.

His research experiences also include simulation of high-speed penetration of concrete, simulation of earthmoving and excavation, multi-scale modeling of fracture processes of brittle and ductile materials — such as concrete and steel, — patient-specific finite element modeling for skeletal muscles and level-set based imaging processing.

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