Acadly for contact tracing

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Acadly is now available to make contact tracing easier for instructors and students. Acadly can record attendance for on-campus and hybrid courses and can be provided to contract tracers instead of seating charts. Acadly does NOT use GPS to track students, but it does make it much easier for contact tracers to know who has been exposed.

If you’d like to get started with using Acadly in your class, recorded webinars and demo videos are now available on the Acadly Announcements page. Students can find all the information they need on the Acadly Students page.

Frequently Asked Questions

Acadly has a great FAQ page to address your questions. Here are a few of the most common:

Does this use GPS?

No. The Acadly app does not use GPS and does not track the physical location of anyone. On Android devices, the app does ask for permission to access GPS, but that’s because of an Android quirk which combines Bluetooth/Wi-Fi scanning permissions along with “location” permissions. However, while the app has to ask for this permission due to technical reasons, GPS data is neither collected nor stored by Acadly at any time.

Can Acadly replace clickers?

Yes. Acadly can be used for in-class polls, quizzes, discussions, Q&A, word clouds, and even to share files and videos with students. All this data can be exported to the Blackboard gradebook as well.

Has Acadly been reviewed for compliance with FERPA?

Yes, Acadly has been reviewed for compliance with FERPA by multiple universities, including UIC. For any specific questions regarding data privacy, please reach out to us at

Other Uses for Acadly

Acadly does much more than taking attendance. This educational technology tool brings an improved experience to classes for both students and instructors by making it possible to use quizzes, polls, discussions, word cloud questions, videos, files, and more — all in one application. Acadly’s student engagement features provide instructional benefits while its proximity and attendance data support timely information essential to the contact tracing process required to keep our university safe.

For further questions about using Acadly, contact Acadly’s Team directly at (mean response time: six hours).

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