Facing the future, unafraid

University President-designate Timothy Killeen discusses the challenges and opportunities of his new job in the Jan. 23 News-Gazette.
“UIC has always been a dark horse. But it looks better all the time.”
Columnist Steve Chapman on the UIC-North Lawndale bid for the Obama Presidential Library, Jan. 23 Chicago Tribune
“I’m an incredible optimist. Let’s take on this century.”
University President-designate Timothy Killeen on the challenges and opportunities of his new job, Jan. 23 News-Gazette
“Our president has lived in a number of places, and wherever he’s been, he’s left his mark. Clearly, he’s done some organizing on the South Side, but he was a senator for the whole state of Illinois. He was my senator.”
Valerie Leonard, Lawndale Alliance, on the UIC-North Lawndale proposal for the Obama Presidential Library, Jan. 16 CBSChicago