Winding down

Students de-stress at Doggypalooza. More fun events are planned before the semester ends. (Photo: Jenny Fontaine)
It’s that point in the semester where we look at our calendar and realize that there are about two weeks left of school. But just because the end of the school year is near, it doesn’t mean the list of events happening at UIC winds down.
The Student Activities Board and Center for Student Involvement have some great events happening to help students de-stress and enjoy the end of the semester.
Last week, students had the chance to unwind while petting therapy dogs during the annual Doggypalooza event April 13.
This week’s events include the newest campus tradition: helping construct a two-story Sparky statue. Stop by the Quad from noon to 2 p.m. April 19 to lend a helping hand. Prior knowledge of design and construction is not required.
The Final Fling event from 3 to 7 p.m. April 21 includes inflatables, free food and fun in the Quad. Roll Bounce follows, from 9 p.m. to midnight, with an LED roller-skating rink and a DJ playing R&B oldies.
For more information, follow the Student Activities Board on Facebook.