My UIC experience: three years, two degrees and many memories

“UIC will forever be a part of me. It’s influenced who I am, given me friends who have become family and most importantly, given me a world-class education and a chance to make a real impact,” says UIC News intern and graduating senior Matthew Pozo. Photo: Jenny Fontaine
I didn’t plan to attend UIC, but it turned out to be one of the best decisions I ever made.
I intended to go to a different university, then decided to take the community college route. After my associate’s degree, I was ready for the next step, and my mom convinced me to apply here.
Three years, two degrees and countless memories later, my time at UIC is coming to an end.
I remember my first year on campus, and joining UIC’s Mock Trial Team, like it was yesterday. The team made me feel proud and happy to be at UIC.
My second year on campus was even more fun. I joined intramural teams, spent countless late nights on Taylor Street and started to think about my future. I loved being on the mock trial team, so law school seemed like an obvious destination and I decided to major in criminology, law and justice. But toward the end of my second year, I had doubts about law school and the major I had chosen.
Then I had a talk with Jennifer Rupert, a lecturer in English. Our conversation started with getting my affairs in order for graduation and ended with me deciding to return to UIC for a third year to add an English degree.
This year has been my favorite. I participated on the mock trial team for the third year in a row, took English classes that changed the way I think and wrote as an editorial intern for UIC News. It was my busiest year in college but definitely the most rewarding.
My favorite part of going to UIC was having Chicago as our backyard. We don’t have a college football team — we have the Chicago Bears, a 30-minute bus ride away. Some of the best pizza in town is a block from campus.
Going to UIC means more than belonging to the 240 acres it encompasses. It means having one of the world’s best cities at your fingertips and being a part of something bigger.
UIC will forever be a part of me. It’s influenced who I am, given me friends who have become family and most importantly, given me a world-class education and a chance to make a real impact in whatever I choose to do in life. For that, I am grateful.
Thank you, UIC.
Congratulations to the class of 2015!