January 20, 2025
MLK’s hope for service reflected in UIC scholarship winnersAs many as 25 students each year can be awarded the King scholarship
January 6, 2025
Honor MLK’s legacy with service, leadershipUIC will celebrate Martin Luther King Jr.’s legacy this month with a day of service and a student leadership conference
February 1, 2021
In person or over Zoom, UIC students help the communityNearly 200 students spent their day off volunteering in the Chicago community for the MLK Day of Service
January 5, 2021
Celebrate the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.Service and virtual events planned Jan. 18-22
December 17, 2019
Honor legacy of MLK with day of serviceSpend day off volunteering in North Lawndale neighborhood
January 24, 2019
Students honor MLK’s legacy with serviceVolunteers spend more than 700 hours helping the community
January 8, 2019
Spend day off school helping others in honor of MLKUIC will host its annual MLK Day of Service Jan. 21