Court order temporarily removes holds on federal awards
Dear campus community,
A temporary restraining order (TRO) against proposed changes in federal spending related to recent executive orders was issued on Jan. 31. This means that work on federal grants can continue, and funds can be drawn from funding agencies to pay for award costs, at least temporarily.
In the past couple of days, agencies – including the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Department of Justice, Department of Labor and National Science Foundation – have sent notifications to investigators and our Office of Sponsored Programs that prior instructions limiting or stopping grant activity are suspended due to the TRO. Please continue checking the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research website for updates.
As the TRO indicates, agencies can modify grants if doing so is consistent with the terms of the agreements and as long as the changes are not based on the language or intent of the executive orders at issue. If any such change is proposed, it will come directly from the issuing agency. If you receive any communications of this type, please share immediately with the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research via
The rapid changes we are experiencing emphasize the importance of good communication, anticipating and managing uncertainty, and focusing on UIC’s important mission. We are especially grateful to the staff in the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research, Information Technology and University Counsel for their attentive work on these issues.
Marie Lynn Miranda, PhD
Karen Colley, PhD
Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs
Robert Barish, MD, MBA
Vice Chancellor for Health Affairs
Joanna Groden, PhD
Vice Chancellor for Research
For more information, please contact:
Office of the Chancellor